As a result of their need to construct villages for protection and an eagerness to incorporate their religious beliefs into their surroundings, from megalithic times the men and women of Alto Gállego have left their mark on the land, sometimes choosing locations like the end of a narrow pass (Saint Elena’s Dolmen) or near paths used for moving livestock or connecting communities (the Ibirque Dolmen).
Don’t miss the mountain villages of the Tena Valley where the large houses (known as casonas) are built in the typical architectural style of the area with sturdy stone walls and sloped slate roofs, not forgetting the medieval and Roman bridges, and the facades with impressive gateways and crests sculpted in stone.
The Churches of Serrablo are a group of churches dating back to the 10th and 11th Centuries. Some experts consider them to belong to the Mozarab style; others claim they are Romanesque-Lombardic. Either way they are unique within medieval art and have been recently restored.
You can also visit the network of small museums and interpretative centres around the Region which explain the different traditions and beliefs held here.